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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Old Monty Python come-on

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And now for something completely different.

A modern trials bike. And I do mean the most modern of modern trials bikes. This is likely one of a batch of ten or so, at the most, brand new SHERCO
four-stroke trials bikes to leave Spain. And they've only been avaiable there for a couple three months. Sherco is the former Bultaco enterprise, in it's fourth or fith re-invention. Kinda' like David Bowie. Or Miguel DuHamel.............

The suspension is the top of the line Paoli and the swingarm was carved from an ingot of aluminum as big as a medium sized boom-box. Sweet stuff.

Weight? A waif-like 168 pounds, ready to rock and full of your favortite high-octane cocktail. Fuel tank capacity, a little over a half-gallon.



At August 08, 2005 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the pleasure of "ridding with"---Watching-- the gent that purchased the new Sherco along with Curt and Bob at the Gender Ranch on Saturday. At 168 pounds, they reminised that, back in the day the bikes weight was more than theirs and it was funny how the reverse was true now.
Thanks to the B&J gang for a Great Trials yestrday.


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