Hit and Miss.....
The single hit gasoline motors are amazing. They probably doubled or trebled the amount of work one farmer could do in the early 1900's. I don't know a darn thing about them except that they fascinate me to no end, and that I want one every time I get to see and hear one run. From what I can understand, talking to some of the owners at the Threshing, in the early 1900's there were literally a thousand different companies offering engines for sale in the U.S. Think about that for a minute. A thousand different companies. Can you say industrial revolution?
This particular gorgeous, purpose built, oak butcher-block style trailer had no less than six of said engines huffing and puffing and clicking away in unision. Barfing oil everywhere and just being cool as hell.
A thousand companies , thats amazing. Look at what that little moter evolved in to.
I think Suzuki still uses that same technology.
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