Lord only knows what you'll find here....There'll be rants and raves and skating and motorcycles and guitars and whatever else might be necessary to pass the time. Thanks for stopping in......

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Pardon me, but what in the hell is "Trunk or Treat"? That appears to be what all the churches offer, as opposed to "Trick or Treat". I can only guess that "Trick" is a bad word now-a-days.....

And, when did Halloween become all smiley faced pumpkins and ghosts? I thank my lucky stars that I had some cousins that were a few years older than me that were glad as hell to terrorize and scare the ever-loving shit out of me and my little sister.

On a side note, these same cousins had a pet flying squirrel and their mom was cool enough to let 'em keep it in their old victorian house. It would fly from a drapery rod on one side of the room to another drapery rod on the other side of the room. Whoa!

Anyway, Happy Halloween all.....


At November 01, 2007 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since my kids actually attended one, I shall explain. It's when a bunch of parents park in A parking lot or feild and hand out candy out of their automobile trunks. Pretty lame if 'n you ask me. Rather than sit at home and get up and down all night to see miniature fairies, brittney spears look-a-likes and other such lame costumes I opted for the turn all your lights off and go skateboarding option, A no- brainer . When I was A kid A million years ago, that's two million for you Peewee we used to terrorize the other kids in the neighborhood by throwing water balloons and eggs at them , which by the way was funny as shit at the time but In retrospect we probably traumatized them and that might have left A mark . Oh well so goes life. l8tr, Dean

At November 01, 2007 5:23 PM, Blogger cpt. Dick said...

I hear what your saying Dean. We used to try to scare the shit out of people and egg the houses that turned the lights off and went skateboarding. There was about 50 kids at the church across the street and not a one came to the house. I don't see the fun anymore.


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