The Elusive Tom
My goodness, but these sure are some elusive creatures. I can certainly see why them turkey hunters are such a hearty and braggard lot. They do a lot of talk about "callin' 'em in". They are the cats with those cool bumper stickers that say, "If It Flies, It Dies!". I 'll bet Saint Peter loves that kind of stuff.....
This pack of toms, easily eighteen or twenty of them, let me walk right through their midst. They were only concerned enough about me to maintain a five or six foot radius distance.
Too bad huh I was only sporting my Olympus instead of my trusty automatic assualt rifle, or I coulda' had us a Christmas turkey for everybody.....yeah, right.
You know what they say, birds of A feather flock together. Ha Ha, you turkey . L8TR, Dean P.S. You walked right into that one , litterally. He He
pee wee pee dont use an assault rifle for shooting turkey...44 magnum is the gun of choice for this turkey hunter...
Turkeys are great birds, and make very affectionate pets. It makes me slightly sad that so many die each year because we insist on eating their dismal-tasting flesh...
If you would of had a gun you never would have seen them. They are on to us. I only see wildlife when I'm unarmed.
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