Aroma Therapy
I've heard the term, though I'm not really up on the process. I could Google it I guess, but I'd almost bet that the thinking is that certain smells must trigger certain chemicals in the brain, or maybe sensations, and that is somehow therapeutic. I hear that lavender is a big in the aroma therapy game.
I suppose I've been indulging in a sort of aroma therapy this spring-time. As I blatt about on my two-wheeler it's amazing how much more ethereal the
country-side is. My current favorite aroma is the blooming honey-suckle. Passing a long fence-row of it is akin to just jamming your face into the bushes!
Another strong aroma is wild onions from a freshly mown lawn. Sometimes in traffic you might get a blast from an open car window of a ladies perfume. Or perhaps the smell of cherry tobacco being puffed from the guy in that pick-up truck up front.
Of course with the good, there must come the bad. Any stinking diesel vehicle comes to mind. A hog farm. A "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road", that in a car is a fleeting one or two breath nuisance. But the same dead skunk on your motorbike can be downright asphyxiating.
But I digress.The positive aromas greatly outweigh the negatives. The smell of a rushing river, the dirt of a newly turned and plowed farm field. That scent of freshness just after you've been caught out by a quick spring shower.
Ahh. Two-wheeled spring-time aroma therapy. I just can't recommend it enough.
So, if you'll excuse me.....
I think you're totally "up on the process" of aroma therapy. You just don't know it. Best of all, you're out in the world soaking it up instead of lying on a table cutting it with recycled air.
Spend a few minutes with Brent, inside or out, and you will be introduced to a whole new level of aroma therapy. I like to call it, "nasal trauma". Later!
Great Blog, ole buddy.
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