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Thursday, June 08, 2006


There was a practice/warm-up area for the World Round guys right next to the tent where we held the ITSA Vintage Bike Show. When they were out there, we were out there.

This log was over five-and-a-half feet tall. I could back up against it with my shoulder blades touching and it was even with the top of my head.

Now, I can say with all honestly that I have trouble with logs less than a foot tall, and I'm sure some smart-aleck will comment here and back that up for us. These WTC guys would ride up to the end, balance for a moment, and then slam right the hell up on top. Then they'd nonchalantly leap off either side or jump from the end onto the sister huge log. Amazing.


At June 08, 2006 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can sorta do that....I can ride right up, balance for a moment, and then slam right the hell into the face of it :)

At June 08, 2006 4:46 AM, Blogger cpt. Dick said...

I can't ride out of a ditch without taking a couple trees out. I like when they bunny hop 12 inch logs while doing a wheelie.

At June 08, 2006 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have any photos or video of the log-slamming? If so, you could be in the running for "The Nubbie"....


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