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Monday, October 16, 2006

Schtoopid Schitt for Ocktobre

Since it's October-fest season I kind of liked the term Schtoopid. Has a kind of eastern-bloc ring to it.

Here's number one. Dani Pedrosa, for skittling Repsol Honda team-mate Nicky Hayden into the gravel-trap during the pentultimate Grand Prix of the season, and reducing Nicky's 12 point lead over rival Valantino Rossi to an eight point deficit. Dani, you Freaking moron, you NEVER, EVER crash out your own team-mate, especially when he's on the verge of winning the MotoGP World Championship. They teach you that shit in 50cc mini-moto-cross racing when you're seven years old....of course you're still five-foot nothing and weigh one-hundred-two pounds, so y'all may not have gotten to that lesson yet. Idiot.

Next up, the AMA (American Motorcyclist Association) for cancelling the LCQ (Last Chance Qualifier) heat races at the Music City Motorplex during the Super-Motard Championship races here in Nashville on Saturday night, announced on the public address system due to so-called "time constraints". Then, over the course of the next hour, we were subjected to a Burn-out Contest, Extreme Moto-Cross Freestyle, really really bad Extreme Stunt-Street riding (really bad), and an ATV racing Demo. So, the AMA are freaking moron's number two.....which is kind of a surprise, 'cause they''re usually the number 1 morons with a bullet. But, Go Dani!

Goofy Schitt number three is HERE . I mean, like, Yo dawg, I'm sure your greiving bros and bitches will all be down with this schizzling tribute to your throw-down thug gangster biker status, for schure. I mean, after all, it's all about who you really are......or were, and the freedom of the open road. Yeah, the freedom of the open road, with you in your casket strapped to some sidecar on an H-D.....schweett.

Drink up Schriners.


At October 16, 2006 9:38 PM, Blogger cpt. Dick said...

Great pic's. Sounds like a good time.

At October 17, 2006 1:48 PM, Blogger Caulkboy said...

Where's the truck to haul the bike from the funeral to the grave sight?

At October 17, 2006 8:49 PM, Blogger Pee Wee said...

Good point caulkboy!

At October 18, 2006 10:58 AM, Blogger Nubbie said...

I'm so glad it's Schtoopid Ocktobre and I'm not even on the list.
Myself and all the girls over on Nickys board are all in a tizzy over that little pipsqueek Dani P
(peice of sh..)axing Nicky.
What about the guy spilling the beer at the SuperMoto Race.

At October 18, 2006 6:55 PM, Blogger Pee Wee said...

Hey, Nubbie's right about the beer spilling guy.

They had 12oz. drafts for a dollar. Cool. This guy buys himself four. He shoulda' only bought two, 'cause as he's walking through the grandstands he proceeds to spill about a half a beer out of each cup because he was carrying 2 too many.

I'm glad the Captain or caulkboy wasn't there, they'd of slapped him for wasting brew!


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