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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Belated Mother's Day

Sam's idea of lawn care is a big bottle of Round Up weed killer. He's like Dirty Harry and his S&W .44 Magnum with the stuff. He figures if it grows he's got to cut it, so it may as well not grow.....

My Mom passed away in the early nineties, many many years too damned early. Every year she had a stand of beautiful purple Iris's that she tended. They surrounded the walkway to the porch and up the steps from the drive. They were always a kind of signal to me that it really was gosh-darn-it spring time.

Back to Sam. Since she passed this stand of flowers has been driven over, parked on with the motor-home for months at a time, Round Upped, weed-eated, trod upon and any number of other things you can think of. Now, not out of any disrespect from Sam mind you, but that's just the home and garden thing that Sam has going on.

But, every spring those Iris pop gorgeous. Just like my Mom Joan in her major head-strong, 100% honest way, there they are!

And to me, my memories of her are way more there with those flowers than over at the cemetery.....


At June 14, 2009 5:01 AM, Blogger cpt. Dick said...

Amen brother Amen!!!!


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