Lord only knows what you'll find here....There'll be rants and raves and skating and motorcycles and guitars and whatever else might be necessary to pass the time. Thanks for stopping in......

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chinese Democracy

No, no. We're not getting all political here at skatetruck. My buddie Stevie reminded me about the big Dr. Pepper give-away. The company had stated back in March that if the long-delayed (14 years!) Guns N' Roses album "Chinese Democracy" were ever released that there would be a free 20 oz. Dr. Pepper for every man woman and child in the U.S.A.

Well, today's the big day folks. To get your free 20 oz. Dr. Pepper coupon just go HERE . Your free coupons will be honored until Feb. 28 of 2009.

The first single was released yesterday and it was amazing to us just how bad it was. Nope, not talking George Throrgood "Bad to the Bone" bad, but just plain damn bad. Quite unfinished sounding really. But GnR is not really GnR anymore without Slash and Izzy Stradlin. Izzy took all the melody making processes with him when he left. Slash just took the Slash!

Hmmmm. They should maybe just call it the AxL Rose Show.....

Happy Sunday Y'all !!!
